Added statement about the World Trade Center
Ten new images in the 'Kublia, the Furry' section,
and the all new page about Amurtigress and hir
werebeing world.
09/06/2000: Chronicles of the
Pridelands 2: Download PART
FOUR here.
Music page repaired, all links work now. Added Italian and French TLK tracks
New pages: How I became a TLK fan, and
a list of TLK and SP related CDs, DVDs, and VCDs
Design changes, new pages: Kublia, the furry,
Musical London, new top page design
See Revision
log for more infos
This site wins the LION KING CLUB AWARD
The second
Shingalana story
was released
FRAMES Disable/Enable MIDI
Statement about the World Trade Center
My dear friends, furries,
cat lovers and TLK fans,
we all have seen what
horrible things have been done to the American people. About 7000 lives were
lost in New York and Washington, and we all, across all nations and religions,
are mourning. The following might be an uncomfortable point of view, but I
believe nonetheless that it is the truth. I personally feel the obligation to
care for all beings in the world. At the WTC, 7000 of 6 billion HUMAN lives were
lost. Those who remain are being taken care of, charities are ensuring them a
life without sorrow and poverty by now. Each one of them could probably a
millionaire by now, and no dollar you could donate would ease the pain of their
losses. But there are beings out there, not human, who are as I believe are
sentient, have feelings, feel hunger, who fight for their lives each and every
day. TIGERS, SNOWLEOPARDS, other cats who were DUMPED by our oh so important and
valuable species. Some of them were literally dumped because they became
inconvenient for us, and in the wild species like
snowleopards and siberian tigers
are AT THE VERGE OF EXTINCTION, to vanish off the
face of earth one for all times, and nothing could bring them back. Please
consider helping the great cats through or other organisations like the World Wildlife Fund for
Nature, the WWF.